Going Direct: Improved Accuracy from Reflected Signals and Path Predictions - Inside GNSS
A new DPE method that incorporates visibility and specularity information using specular matching improves position solutions in several highly blocked and reflective environments. The predictions allow NLOS and absent signals to contribute to the position solution. Tests on several data sets showed them to be effective only in environments where there is very limited visibility. The improvement in these cases reduced the RMS horizontal position errors from 30m to 10m. We plan to investigate these and other data sets to better understand the conditions under which urban model-based predictions can enhance GPS positioning performance.
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est GNSS. Afficher tous les articles
LÉOST - Ifsttar at Tokyo for WCRR
LÉOST - Ifsttar at Tokyo for WCRR
Le système ferroviaire au coeur des transports - Ifsttar
L’approche système de l’Ifsttar prend en compte la complexité des territoires, des transports guidés, des grands objets d'ingénierie et d’innovation dont s'occupe l'Institut et où l'homme joue un rôle central.
Ses travaux de recherche s’articulent autour des thématiques infrastructures et ouvrages d’art, géotechnique, composants et systèmes clés (capacité ferroviaire, signalisation, sécurité, communications, cybersécurité, maintenance, fiabilité…) afin de répondre aux enjeux socio-économiques, environnementaux et d'aménagement du système ferroviaire.
Pour cela, l’Ifsttar dispose d’un large patrimoine d’équipements scientifiques et spécifiques qui lui permet de développer une recherche et une expertise de haut niveau
L’approche système de l’Ifsttar prend en compte la complexité des territoires, des transports guidés, des grands objets d'ingénierie et d’innovation dont s'occupe l'Institut et où l'homme joue un rôle central.
Ses travaux de recherche s’articulent autour des thématiques infrastructures et ouvrages d’art, géotechnique, composants et systèmes clés (capacité ferroviaire, signalisation, sécurité, communications, cybersécurité, maintenance, fiabilité…) afin de répondre aux enjeux socio-économiques, environnementaux et d'aménagement du système ferroviaire.
Pour cela, l’Ifsttar dispose d’un large patrimoine d’équipements scientifiques et spécifiques qui lui permet de développer une recherche et une expertise de haut niveau
Abonnez-vous au compte twitter de Juliette Marais et suivez ses publications scientifiques en cliquant ici - https://twitter.com/marais_juliette#Tokyo #WCRR We are almost ready to meet you and talk about @Ifsttar #Railway #Research! And we have a really cute neighbour! pic.twitter.com/M7ZcD6pt1F— Juliette Marais (@marais_juliette) October 28, 2019
Do you plan to attend the #RailLiveBilbao congress next week? Do you have #GNSS based #railway applications or projects? 🚝 Come and share with us on thursday the 7th during the Global Project Roundtables https://t.co/8xrogwEcbz @Ifsttar pic.twitter.com/TuYTLpnjOO— Juliette Marais (@marais_juliette) 25 février 2019
Galileo: A critical component for autonomous driving? – EURACTIV.com
Galileo: A critical component for autonomous driving? – EURACTIV.com
The past decades have seen substantial improvements in the performance of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology. The satellite signals have been modernised, and by the end of 2018, multi-band GNSS will become affordable. These advances set the stage for the next big theme in GNSS: achieving decimeter- or centimeter-level accuracy.
The past decades have seen substantial improvements in the performance of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology. The satellite signals have been modernised, and by the end of 2018, multi-band GNSS will become affordable. These advances set the stage for the next big theme in GNSS: achieving decimeter- or centimeter-level accuracy.
@Cosys_Ifsttar Thesis on GNSS accuracy and integrity enhancement in urban transport environments
Very proud of Dr Ni ZHU after her PhD defense @Cosys_Ifsttar on GNSS accuracy and integrity enhancement in urban transport environments. Congrats Ni! pic.twitter.com/mh0aoAQ1YC— Juliette Marais (@marais_juliette) 3 octobre 2018
@Cosys_Ifsttar sur le Compte twitter de l'Union Routière David Bétaille « Geolocalisation par satellite »
Suivre le compte twitter de l'Union Routière https://twitter.com/unionroutiere
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David Bétaille sur researchgate, cliquez ici et HAL |
@SIA_ingenieurs @unionroutiere @Ifsttar @vedecom @ptebibel
David Bétaille @Ifsttar « Geolocalisation par satellite » @unionroutiere @SIA_ingenieurs #redondance pic.twitter.com/MENfp3lwHu— SER (@routepourtous) 25 juin 2018
@Cosys_Ifsttar Video-based classification of railway track areas for GNSS-based virtual balise solutions in the ERSAT GGC project
@Cosys_Ifsttar Video-based classification of railway track areas for GNSS-based virtual balise solutions in the ERSAT GGC project: Train location is of main use in railway signaling applications, today with the help of equipment on tracks. This equipment's role is to detect the train presence on a track section. In the European standard ERTMS/ETCS (European Rail Traffic Management System/European Train Control System) for the signaling, control and train protection this is performed thanks to a balise or a group of balises installed on tracks to give a passing train a position reference. The balise initializes the odometer, and the train position is computed by the odometer as a distance run since the last relevant balise group. In level 3 of ETCS, the train location shall be sent by the train itself to the ground. It will allow reducing the number of trackside equipment on the one hand, and on the other hand allow implementing moving block circulation in order to reduce the train spacing thus improve line capacity. Mainly driven by economic reasons and thus, acceleration of ERTMS penetration into the networks, the use of GNSS-based systems and, in particular, their introduction in signaling systems is seriously investigated today as a positioning opportunity included in ETCS and tested all around the world. Most of the past projects focused on the development of localization unit and their performance evaluation or more globally on the demonstration of operational signaling solutions based on a GNSS-receiver. As the suitability will be strongly linked to local GNSS quality determination, impact of mu...
Juliette Marais, Rihab Hmida, Amaury Flancquart, Salvatore Sabina, Massimiliano Ciaffi. Video-based classification of railway track areas for GNSS-based virtual balise solutions in the ERSAT GGC project. ION 2018, PPTI - Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, Jan 2018, Reston, United States. ION 2018, PPTI - Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, 10p, 2018. 〈hal-01709482〉
Juliette Marais, Rihab Hmida, Amaury Flancquart, Salvatore Sabina, Massimiliano Ciaffi. Video-based classification of railway track areas for GNSS-based virtual balise solutions in the ERSAT GGC project. ION 2018, PPTI - Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, Jan 2018, Reston, United States. ION 2018, PPTI - Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, 10p, 2018. 〈hal-01709482〉
EGNOS and Galileo – opening the door to new drone applications
EGNOS and Galileo – opening the door to new drone applications
With European GNSS providing the positioning accuracy that drones need to operate safely, more and more drone-based applications are hitting the market. The GSA highlighted a number of these innovative services during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
With European GNSS providing the positioning accuracy that drones need to operate safely, more and more drone-based applications are hitting the market. The GSA highlighted a number of these innovative services during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
Fisheye-Based Method for GPS Localization Improvement in Unknown Semi-Obstructed Areas
Fisheye-Based Method for GPS Localization Improvement in Unknown Semi-Obstructed Areas
Résumé : A precise GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) localization is vital for autonomous road vehicles, especially in cluttered or urban environments where satellites are occluded, preventing accurate positioning. We propose to fuse GPS (Global Positioning System) data with fisheye stereovision to face this problem independently to additional data, possibly outdated, unavailable, and needing correlation with reality. Our stereoscope is sky-facing with 360° × 180° fisheye cameras to observe surrounding obstacles. We propose a 3D modelling and plane extraction through following steps: stereoscope self-calibration for decalibration robustness, stereo matching considering neighbours epipolar curves to compute 3D, and robust plane fitting based on generated cartography and Hough transform. We use these 3D data with GPS raw data to estimate NLOS (Non Line Of Sight) reflected signals pseudorange delay. We exploit extracted planes to build a visibility mask for NLOS detection. A simplified 3D canyon model allows to compute reflections pseudorange delays. In the end, GPS positioning is computed considering corrected pseudoranges. With experimentations on real fixed scenes, we show generated 3D models reaching metric accuracy and improvement of horizontal GPS positioning accuracy by more than 50%. The proposed procedure is effective, and the proposed NLOS detection outperforms CN0-based methods (Carrier-to-receiver Noise density).

Julien Moreau, Sébastien Ambellouis, Yassine Ruichek. Fisheye-Based Method for GPS Localization Improvement in Unknown Semi-Obstructed Areas. Sensors, MDPI, 2017, 17 (1), 34p.
Découvrir le laboratoire LEOST de l'IFSTTAR, ici
Julien Moreau, Sébastien Ambellouis, Yassine Ruichek. Fisheye-Based Method for GPS Localization Improvement in Unknown Semi-Obstructed Areas. Sensors, MDPI, 2017, 17 (1), 34p.
Découvrir le laboratoire LEOST de l'IFSTTAR, ici
Paving the way for future use of the Urban Trench model along with a lane level road map - IEEE Xplore Document
Paving the way for future use of the Urban Trench model along with a lane level road map - IEEE Xplore Document
Abstract:Positioning is one of the key functional components of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) with communication and computing. Road transport and Location Based Services will make use of GNSS for positioning purpose and both road and LBS are the main application domains of GNSS. This article focuses on urban applications. The rover is moving in streets where buildings around make urban trenches. The so called Urban Trench model is used to correct non-line-of-sight satellites. The principle is first presented. Then several modalities of applying this principle are addressed, in particular the a priori road lane map-matching of the rover position estimate. Last, experimental data are processed with this principle and its various applications, results are shown and analysed, so that first conclusions are drawn and research perspectives designed.
D. Bétaille, "Paving the way for future use of the Urban Trench model along with a lane level road map," 2017 European Navigation Conference (ENC), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2017, pp. 143-149.
doi: 10.1109/EURONAV.2017.7954203
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7954203&isnumber=7954157
Abstract:Positioning is one of the key functional components of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) with communication and computing. Road transport and Location Based Services will make use of GNSS for positioning purpose and both road and LBS are the main application domains of GNSS. This article focuses on urban applications. The rover is moving in streets where buildings around make urban trenches. The so called Urban Trench model is used to correct non-line-of-sight satellites. The principle is first presented. Then several modalities of applying this principle are addressed, in particular the a priori road lane map-matching of the rover position estimate. Last, experimental data are processed with this principle and its various applications, results are shown and analysed, so that first conclusions are drawn and research perspectives designed.
D. Bétaille, "Paving the way for future use of the Urban Trench model along with a lane level road map," 2017 European Navigation Conference (ENC), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2017, pp. 143-149.
doi: 10.1109/EURONAV.2017.7954203
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7954203&isnumber=7954157
ISGNSS 2017 : GPS World
ISGNSS 2017 : GPS World
The annual ISGNSS is an excellent platform for participants from academia and industry to share, exchange, discuss and promote new ideas, innovations and latest developments in Global Navigation Satellite Systems technologies and applications.
The annual ISGNSS is an excellent platform for participants from academia and industry to share, exchange, discuss and promote new ideas, innovations and latest developments in Global Navigation Satellite Systems technologies and applications.
Geolocation technology on the cusp of hitting the world in a very big way
Geolocation technology on the cusp of hitting the world in a very big way
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including Galileo, play a key role in the Internet of Things. Information on positioning, velocity and timing is driving growth in a wide array of context-aware applications, from drones and driverless cars, to asset tracking.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including Galileo, play a key role in the Internet of Things. Information on positioning, velocity and timing is driving growth in a wide array of context-aware applications, from drones and driverless cars, to asset tracking.
Webinar : Galileo and the future of SatNav : drones, smart cities and self-drinving-cars
Webinar : Galileo and the future of SatNav : drones, smart cities and self-drinving-cars
June 13 4pm BST/5pm CET
June 13 4pm BST/5pm CET
In this Webinar, the GSA (European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency) will review the market - revealing findings from the latest edition of the GSA’s GNSS Market Report – and provide insight on global trends and future developments. In particular, the webinar will explore:
- How the GNSS market will impact the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities and Big Data.
- How Galileo enhances the functionality of many new location-based applications
- The role that GNSS plays in the growing market of drones
- The potential of autonomous cars powered by GNSS
GSA European GNSS Agency : ESCAPE engine benefits from Galileo Initial Services
GSA European GNSS Agency : ESCAPE engine benefits from Galileo Initial Services
The ESCAPE project, funded under the European GNSS Agency's (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme, is developing an innovative positioning engine that exploits the newly available capabilities of Galileo.
Launched in October 2016, the ESCAPE project is led by the Spanish company FICOSA in collaboration with GMV, Renault, #IFSTTAR, STMicroelectronics and the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella. The project is funded under the European GNSS Agency's (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme, a research and development (R&D) funding mechanism supporting the development of GNSS-enabled chipsets, receivers and antennas.
The ESCAPE project, funded under the European GNSS Agency's (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme, is developing an innovative positioning engine that exploits the newly available capabilities of Galileo.
Launched in October 2016, the ESCAPE project is led by the Spanish company FICOSA in collaboration with GMV, Renault, #IFSTTAR, STMicroelectronics and the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella. The project is funded under the European GNSS Agency's (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme, a research and development (R&D) funding mechanism supporting the development of GNSS-enabled chipsets, receivers and antennas.
GSA - European GNSS Agency (via Public) - ESCAPE engine benefits from Galileo Initial Services https://t.co/yRkgsZ3gIE @Ifsttar #GNSS— Patrick Lacour (@patlacmj) 16 mars 2017
A Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling - IEEE Xplore Document
A Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling - IEEE Xplore Document
Railways have already introduced satellite-based localization systems for non-safety related applications. Driven by economic reasons, the use of these systems for new services and, in particular, their introduction in signaling system is seriously investigated today and tested all around the world. Because of the weight of their history, their strong normative context, and the high requested level of safety, the introduction is relatively slow. The aim of this paper is to provide a survey of past and current programs dealing with global navigation satellite systems as a basis to introduce main issues relative to context, standards, performance requirements, and safety proofs. Links with aeronautical concepts are also presented, illustrating the transposable principles and the limits due to the land transport environment.
J. Marais; J. Beugin; M. Berbineau, "A Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-17doi: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2658179
keywords: {Europe;Rail transportation;Rails;Safety;Satellite broadcasting;Satellites;Tracking;Localization;rail transportation;railway safety;satellite navigation systems;signaling.},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7857080/
Railways have already introduced satellite-based localization systems for non-safety related applications. Driven by economic reasons, the use of these systems for new services and, in particular, their introduction in signaling system is seriously investigated today and tested all around the world. Because of the weight of their history, their strong normative context, and the high requested level of safety, the introduction is relatively slow. The aim of this paper is to provide a survey of past and current programs dealing with global navigation satellite systems as a basis to introduce main issues relative to context, standards, performance requirements, and safety proofs. Links with aeronautical concepts are also presented, illustrating the transposable principles and the limits due to the land transport environment.
J. Marais; J. Beugin; M. Berbineau, "A Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-17doi: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2658179
keywords: {Europe;Rail transportation;Rails;Safety;Satellite broadcasting;Satellites;Tracking;Localization;rail transportation;railway safety;satellite navigation systems;signaling.},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7857080/
A Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling-IEEE https://t.co/TV3mUWJXmZ #GNSS #IFSTTAR #Ferroviaire— Françoise (@franoise7) 7 mars 2017
" Le vrai défi de la voiture autonome, c’est la géolocalisation. Et celui de la géolocalisation, la redondance !"Ecouter David Bétaille, Chercheur en Géolocalisation à l'IFSTTAR.Interview du 3 mars 2017
Le vrai défi de la voiture autonome, c’est la géolocalisation. Et celui de la géolocalisation, la redondance !Ecouter David Bétaille, Chercheur en Géolocalisation à l'IFSTTAR, rechercher l'interview du 3mars 2017
Publié par Denis Astagneau le 3 mars 2017
Voir les publications de David Bétaille sur Researchgate, ici
Publié par Denis Astagneau le 3 mars 2017
Voir les publications de David Bétaille sur Researchgate, ici
Discover the GEOLOC laboratory where David works at IFSTTAR
- Geopositioning Quality of Service for ITS
- Personal Navigation for Multimodal Transport
- Expertise and standardization
Le vrai défi de la voiture autonome, c’est la géolocalisation...David BétailleGEOLOC IFSTTAR Archive du 3 mars https://t.co/bUCGObzXVh #vehiculeautonome— Françoise (@franoise7) 6 mars 2017
Sifer : « La filière spatiale peut apporter des solutions de premier rang » - Construction Cayola
Sifer : « La filière spatiale peut apporter des solutions de premier rang » - Construction Cayola
Extraits de l'article :
" Le jeudi 23 mars 2017, le CNES organise une table ronde sur le thème des avancées de la localisation par satellite au service de la signalisation ferroviaire. Nous relayons ici une interview réalisée par Mack Brooks, l’organisateur du salon, avec Jacques Beas-Garcia, responsable de la politique industrielle au sein du CNES.
Quels sont les projets initiés en matière de collaboration avec le ferroviaire ?
La collaboration que nous avons nouée avec la SNCF laisse entrevoir des opportunités intéressantes sur de nombreux sujets. Un des enjeux majeurs concerne la modernisation du système d’exploitation du réseau grâce à l’utilisation des systèmes de localisation par satellite européens, Galileo en premier. Nous collaborons également avec la SNCF à l’utilisation de l’imagerie par satellite pour des besoins de maintenance du réseau. Nous travaillons sur l’ensemble de ces sujets avec des partenaires tels que Thalès, l’IFSTTAR et l’IRT Railenium…"

SIFER: le rendez-vous de la filière ferroviaire en France - SIFER – FR
Le rendez-vous international en France des fournisseurs leaders des produits, technologies et services ferroviaires innovants destinés aux besoins complexes des réseaux urbains et grandes lignes.
Extraits de l'article :
" Le jeudi 23 mars 2017, le CNES organise une table ronde sur le thème des avancées de la localisation par satellite au service de la signalisation ferroviaire. Nous relayons ici une interview réalisée par Mack Brooks, l’organisateur du salon, avec Jacques Beas-Garcia, responsable de la politique industrielle au sein du CNES.
Quels sont les projets initiés en matière de collaboration avec le ferroviaire ?
La collaboration que nous avons nouée avec la SNCF laisse entrevoir des opportunités intéressantes sur de nombreux sujets. Un des enjeux majeurs concerne la modernisation du système d’exploitation du réseau grâce à l’utilisation des systèmes de localisation par satellite européens, Galileo en premier. Nous collaborons également avec la SNCF à l’utilisation de l’imagerie par satellite pour des besoins de maintenance du réseau. Nous travaillons sur l’ensemble de ces sujets avec des partenaires tels que Thalès, l’IFSTTAR et l’IRT Railenium…"
SIFER: le rendez-vous de la filière ferroviaire en France - SIFER – FR
Le rendez-vous international en France des fournisseurs leaders des produits, technologies et services ferroviaires innovants destinés aux besoins complexes des réseaux urbains et grandes lignes.
The 11th edition of the ESA/JRC International Summerschool on GNSS 2017 will be held in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, close to the world's northernmost Galileo station.
This extraordinary location has become possible through the generous support of the Norwegian Space Centre, the European Space Agency, the Joint Research Centre (EC) and various sponsors.
A unique opportunity for young researchers in satellite navigation to gain first-class knowledge from worldwide lecturers while experiencing the Arctic environment.
More details are available at "OUR MISSION"
L4- Démonstrations de sécurité des systèmes de localisation ferroviaires utilisant les GNSS : contexte et problématiques
L4- Démonstrations de sécurité des systèmes de localisation ferroviaires utilisant les GNSS : contexte et problématiques:
Ce rapport vise à aborder les questions de démonstration de sécurité liées aux systèmes de localisation satellitaire prévus pour être installés dans un train et délivrer, dans le cadre d'applications liées à la sécurité, une « fonction de localisation ». Un système de localisation satellitaire se réfère, dans ce document, à un équipement incluant différentes sources de localisation dont un récepteur GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) recevant les signaux du GPS ou de Galileo. Dans ce rapport, le contexte réglementaire ferroviaire des systèmes à caractère sécuritaire est détaillé. Ensuite sont présentées les entités impliquées et les types de preuves attendues dans les démonstrations et évaluations de sécurité. Enfin différentes problématiques actuelles liées à la démonstration des systèmes embarqués utilisant les GNSS sont présentées.
Julie Beugin. L4- Démonstrations de sécurité des systèmes de localisation ferroviaires utilisant les GNSS : contexte et problématiques. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 32p. <hal-01463898>
Ce rapport vise à aborder les questions de démonstration de sécurité liées aux systèmes de localisation satellitaire prévus pour être installés dans un train et délivrer, dans le cadre d'applications liées à la sécurité, une « fonction de localisation ». Un système de localisation satellitaire se réfère, dans ce document, à un équipement incluant différentes sources de localisation dont un récepteur GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) recevant les signaux du GPS ou de Galileo. Dans ce rapport, le contexte réglementaire ferroviaire des systèmes à caractère sécuritaire est détaillé. Ensuite sont présentées les entités impliquées et les types de preuves attendues dans les démonstrations et évaluations de sécurité. Enfin différentes problématiques actuelles liées à la démonstration des systèmes embarqués utilisant les GNSS sont présentées.
Julie Beugin. L4- Démonstrations de sécurité des systèmes de localisation ferroviaires utilisant les GNSS : contexte et problématiques. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 32p. <hal-01463898>
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