Road safety communication effectiveness: the roles of emotion and information in motorists’ ability to detect vulnerable road users | SpringerLink

Road safety communication effectiveness: the roles of emotion and information in motorists’ ability to detect vulnerable road users | SpringerLink
This study aimed to investigate the impact of the emotional and informational components of road safety communication on the motorists’ ability to detect cyclists in an urban environment. Different communication supports (audiovisual, auditory, visual) were used to present road safety messages to elicit different intensities of a same pattern of negative emotions before performing driving on a car driving simulator. Subjective results (intensities collected with a visual analog scale) showed that all the communication supports elicited the same set of emotions where sadness was salient. However, no evidence was found concerning a congruent physiological pattern (cardiac and pupillary response) either during exposure to communication supports or during a subsequent driving task.....
Lafont, A., Rogé, J., Ndiaye, D. et al. Road safety communication effectiveness: the roles of emotion and information in motorists’ ability to detect vulnerable road users. Cogn Tech Work (2021).

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