Reexamining Pedestrian Crossing Warrants based on Vehicular Delay at Urban Arterial Midblock Sections under Mixed Traffic Conditions | Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems | Vol 147, No 8

Reexamining Pedestrian Crossing Warrants based on Vehicular Delay at Urban Arterial Midblock Sections under Mixed Traffic Conditions | Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems | Vol 147, No 8
Pedestrian crossing activity at unmarked crosswalks on urban roads in developing countries like India is a common phenomenon. Pedestrians used to cross the road at their place of interest to access residential and commercial land use. Such crossing operations cause a twofold effect: first the pedestrian put themselves at high risk of collision with the moving traffic, and they also affect the normal traffic operations, which causes excessive delay to vehicular traffic.....

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