Without public support, the deployment of Automated Vehicles (AVs) is doomed to failure. Therefore, their acceptability has been widely studied. On the basis of a systematic literature review of 113 empirical studies, the present paper studies the influence of the modes of contact with the AV (no explanation provided, written or pictorial description only, simulator, real experience) on sociodemographic variables, acceptability, behavioural intention and their determinants. The analysis of the dependent variables shows a lack of clarification of what is actually measured and a heterogeneity of measurements that makes comparisons difficult. The determinants were separated in two groups: preferences, which refer to projections in use, and perceptions, which refer to beliefs.....
By: Lemonnier, A (Lemonnier, Aurore)[ 1 ] ; Adele, S (Adele, Sonia)[ 1,2 ] ; Dionisio, C (Dionisio, Corinne)[ 2 ]
[ 1 ] Railenium, 60-64 Rue Landy, F-93210 La Plaine St Denis, France
[ 2 ] Univ Gustave Eiffel, COSYS GRETTIA, IFSTTAR, 14-20 Bd Newton, F-77447 Marne La Vallge 2, France
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