Viva Technology 2020 - Recovery Challenge
In the context of Covid-19 crisis, both global health and economy are being challenged like never before. Our thoughts go out to all those affected. At VivaTech, we have always promoted startups solutions to encourage Open Innovation. In this very peculiar and difficult situation, we would like to follow up on this mission by using our platform to promote effective solutions which may ignite positive change and help everybody recover from the current crisis.
How can Digital and Tech solutions help entrepreneurs, startups and corporates to recover from the various challenges that have arised from this crisis, while they are stuck at home, and to anticipate the end of the confinement.
With this initiative, VivaTech wants to prove that the VivaTech community is resilient despite the current situation. We believe that one important way of overcoming this crisis is by joining together the strengths and skills of startups, entrepreneurs, investors, incubators, accelerators, media, etc.
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