Can a Principal Investigator apply simultaneously, for more than one proposal, as a Principal Investigator to the ERC? Is it possible to receive funding from more than one ERC Grant at the same time? | ERC: European Research Council

Can a Principal Investigator apply simultaneously, for more than one proposal, as a Principal Investigator to the ERC? Is it possible to receive funding from more than one ERC Grant at the same time? | ERC: European Research Council
There are three main restrictions to be considered for Principal Investigators in this regard:
A Principal Investigator may submit proposals to different ERC frontier research grant calls published under the same Work Programme, but only the first eligible proposal will be evaluated.
A researcher may participate as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator (please note that projects with a Co-Investigator were supported under the Advanced Grant in ERC Work Programmes from 2008 – 2011) in only one ERC frontier research project at any one time. Please note that a new frontier research project can only start once a previous frontier research grant agreement has ended.
A researcher participating as Principal Investigator in an ERC frontier research project may not submit a proposal for another ERC frontier research grant, unless the existing project ends no more than two years after the call deadline (please note that this should be calculated according to the duration of the project as stated in the current frontier research project grant agreement).

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