Design and build secure IoT solutions, Part 1: Securing IoT devices and gateways
From authentication, including certificate-based authentication, to authorization, to application ID validation
The Internet of Things (IoT) introduces huge opportunities for businesses and consumers, especially in the areas of healthcare, warehousing, transportation, and logistics. Along with this widespread adoption, developers face new challenges to make sure that IoT applications are sufficiently secure because these applications handle a lot of sensitive data. Many security breaches have already been reported for IoT solutions, so developers must focus on building security into their IoT applications when they design and implement such solutions.
This series of articles focuses on the architectural tiers of an IoT application that is based on IBM cloud platforms. The articles in this series describe a solution-based approach to minimizing security risks in IoT applications by using services that are readily available in IBM cloud platforms. The articles provide tested techniques for securing IoT applications.
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