Methodologies to assess usability and safety of ADAS and automated vehicle
In the framework of future innovation and for the sake of road safety, there is a great hope in fully supporting, or even replacing, the human driver by reliable technology. But, due to the novelty of this context, an important care will have to be devoted to investigate drivers' expectation, needs, behavior and functional abilities to reach this goal. In this context, this paper reviews several human factors issues related to partial and fully automated vehicles, with discussion of strengths and weaknesses of methods investigating driver automation acceptability, trust, situation awareness and workload. Main results of these parameters in relation to automated driving are presented and relevant methodologies to investigate these human variables are discussed in the perspective of real road experiments context.
PAUZIE, Annie et ORFILA, O. Methodologies to assess usability and safety of ADAS and automated vehicle. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016, vol. 49, no 32, p. 72-77.
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