ETNA 2020 | European Transport Network Alliance
ETNA 2020 strengthens the linkage between the ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport’ NCPs and all the research and business stakeholders in the transport sector, including all the transport modes and several cross-cutting areas (e.g. Safety, Logistics, Urban Mobility, Inteligent Transport Systems, Infrastructures, Socioeconomic and behavioural research), providing a variety of services that are tailored to the specific needs of transport stakeholders.
Veille Scientifique et Technologique quotidienne sur les thématiques de recherche du département Cosys de
l'Université Gustave Eiffel et plus largement sur les thématiques de la ville durable.
Environ 25 000 articles issus de différentes sources, académiques, industrielles, gouvernementales, françaises et internationales.
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