ROADS ON THE MOVE | Revolve Media
At Ifsttar, the 5th Generation Road (R5G) flagship project (which has close ties with the European Forever Open Road programme) is developing a new type of infrastructure that sets out to be automated, safe, sustainable, and suited to travel needs today, and tomorrow. “The objective of R5G is to multiply the functions of ‘captive Surfaces”, explains Hélène Jacquot-Guimbal, managing director, Ifsttar.
During C0P21, the institute showcased the technical feasibility one of its elements – the positive energy road – which its researchers have been working on for the past five to six years. Ifsttar developed some of the first formulations of transparent materials made of recycled glass, which gave an inkling of the innovation that now commonly referred to as the ‘solar road/highway’.
Veille Scientifique et Technologique quotidienne sur les thématiques de recherche du département Cosys de
l'Université Gustave Eiffel et plus largement sur les thématiques de la ville durable.
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