Public transport systems to invest in video surveillance | UITP

Public transport systems to invest in video surveillance | UITP

UITP is pleased to invite you to a webinar on Video Surveillance in Public Transport – International Trends, organized on 11 December from 09.00-10.00 GMT+1.
Investments in Internet protocol cameras (IP cameras), real-time functions and intelligent analytics are set to improve security in public transport in the coming years, according to a survey carried out by UITP and Axis Communications. Conducted from June to September 2015, the survey contains input from 74 respondents in 30 countries worldwide, mostly public transport operators and authorities. The research confirms that video surveillance is a corner stone technology for public transport operations, safety and particularly security. Not only does it bring concrete benefits, for example evidence collection or deterring crime, it also helps achieve a higher perception of security among passengers and staff. Video surveillance is set to remain a key technology in public transport with three quarters of respondents reporting investment plans in the technology in the coming 12 months. Real-time usage with analytics in particular is on the rise as public transport systems seek to react to security events quickly and efficiently, minimising their impact.