Semi-lagrangian formulation of an extended GSOM Model for Multimodal Transportation Systems - ScienceDirect
Abstract : The object of the paper is to introduce a macroscopic multimodal transportation model, based on the GSOM (generic second order modelling) approach. In multimodal transportation systems, there are two flows; the flow of vehicles, and the flow of passengers. These two flows are not independent, since vehicles carry passengers. Hence the idea of the GSOM approach: to describe first the vehicle flow, and to consider the passenger load of vehicles as an attribute of vehicles. The resulting model is treated in a semidiscretized lagrangian way: vehicles are discretized, and passengers are modelled by continuous quantities (passenger load). Nodes in the model recapture the main complexity of the transportation system. They can represent such distinct features intersections (cars), stations (buses, trains), or intermodal poles. The advantage of the model is that it provides a unifying macroscopic view of multimodal transportation systems, can accomodate various vehicle and passenger attributes, and thus should provide a useful tool for the management of such systems. (C) 2018, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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