Off Road Electric Vehicles Prosper While On-Road Hits Trouble | Electric Vehicles Research
The on-road electric vehicle industry knows it is headed for a vicious fight to the death as the biggest category, private cars, collapses due to people moving to cities and nothing compensates for saturation of the Chinese electric bus market. In contrast, off-road EVs will be prosperous growth markets. In particular, dwarfing forklifts, the construction, agriculture and mining "CAM" vehicles are one business now. The new 163 page IDTechEx report, Electric Vehicles in Construction, Agriculture and Mining 2019-2029 explains how these industries all employ mobile robots, drones and other new hybrid and pure electric vehicles. Understand why only 15% of CAM vehicles sold today are EVs but it will be the majority sold in 2029. Indeed, CAM vehicle profitability will remain superior, particularly for the innovators - some of the giants plus a host of new entrants
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