
@Cosys_Ifsttar CPHS 2018 - About Cyber-Physical&Human Systems

MiamiCPHS 2018 - About Cyber-Physical&Human Systems

Extraits :
"Control and automation have a long and successful history. Revolutionary advances in computing, networking, communications, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have created a new opportunity for advancing control and automation to address major societal needs.

The Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) framework has successfully enabled multidisciplinary research involving control systems, communications, networking, sensing and computing to develop new theoretical foundations as well as addressing major technological applications, including transportation, aerospace, health and medicine, robotics, manufacturing, energy, and the environment. The current interest in autonomous vehicles is a great example illustrating the potential for revolutionary advances."

Advisory Board Mariana Netto, IFSTTAR, France
Profil Google Scholar de Mariana
Laboratoire LIVIC, Département Cosys Ifsttar

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