- Finland hosts the first mobility as a service ecosystem in the world
- Helsinki has a pool of 116 000 skillful technical ICT talents and 25 000 technical cleantech professionals, plus electric vehicles technology alone has 4 400 specialists in Finland
- Helsinki region’s cities encourage testing & piloting of MaaS related concepts by providing testbed areas and facilities, making innovative procurements in MaaS related fields such as smart parking and real-time traffic information
- Helsinki has open access to data for everyone in the metropolitan area and provide resources such as city space, infrastructure and even users for MaaS pilots
- The legislation is favorable for smart mobility solutions – current legislation already allows the use of automated vehicles in road traffic, and government and the Helsinki region cities are committed to further deregulate legislation
Veille Scientifique et Technologique quotidienne sur les thématiques de recherche du département Cosys de
l'Université Gustave Eiffel et plus largement sur les thématiques de la ville durable.
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Smart mobility - Helsinki Business Hub
Smart mobility - Helsinki Business Hub