
TRB 2017 - IFSTTAR - Deux prix pour Ludovic Leclercq et ses collègues

TRB 2017 - IFSTTAR - Deux prix pour Ludovic Leclercq et ses collègues

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Extrait :
"ZOOM SUR… LE LABORATOIRE LICIT (Laboratoire d’Ingénierie Circulation Transports) Créé en 1993, le LICIT est une unité mixte de recherche de l’IFSTTAR (Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des Réseaux) et de l’ENTPE (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics d’Etat). Il est implanté sur les sites de l’IFSTTAR à Bron et de l’ENTPE à Vaulx-en-Velin. Le LICIT mène des recherches sur la modélisation dynamique et la régulation des flux de trafic routier, intégrant les différents modes utilisant la route. Il regroupe 11 chercheurs et ingénieurs de recherche permanents, 2 ingénieurs de recherche contractuels et 9 doctorants. Le LICIT a tissé des partenariats à l’échelle nationale et internationale avec des laboratoires, des réseaux et des centres d’excellence : CSTB / IGN / Météo-France en France, EPFL en Suisse, Université Queensland en Australie, Universités Tokyo et Kyoto au Japon, FHWA / Berkeley / Virginia Tech aux USA…"

TRB Paper No. 16-0003
Transportation Research Record No. 2560, pp 1-9
Capacity Drops at Merges: Analytical Expressions for Multilane Freeways
By Leclercq, L., Marczak, F., Knoop, V., and Hoogendoorn, S.

This paper deals with the derivation of analytical formulae to estimate the effective capacity at freeway merges in a multilane context. Effective capacity means the capacity observed when the merge happens to be the head of the congestion. It extends two previous papers that are based on the same modeling framework but that are restricted to a single lane on the freeway (or to the analysis of the right lane only). The analytical expression for the one-lane capacity is recursively applied for all lanes. Lane-changing maneuvers (mandatory for the on-ramp vehicles and discretionary for others) are divided into two non-overlapping local merging areas.Usually, estimating the effective capacity at freeway merges requires a traffic simulator and multiple runs. Here, the analytical formulae provide a first estimation considering most of the important parameters related both to road design (e.g. length of the inserting length, number of lanes), and the traffic composition (e.g. truck proportion, vehicle acceleration capabilities). A sensitivity analysis shows that vehicle acceleration and the truck ratio are the most influential parameters for the total capacity. The analytical formulae are proven to provide very good estimates when compared to experimental data for an active merge on the M6 freeway in UK.

 TRB Mickle's award 

The D. Grant Mickle Award was established in 1976 and may be given annually for the outstanding paper published in the field of operation, safety, and maintenance of transportation facilities. It honors the fifth executive director, who was later appointed a member of the Board's Executive Committee and became its 33rd chairman. Authors who received the Highway Research Board Award in 1971–1973 and the Transportation Research Board Award in 1975–1976 for papers on operation and maintenance of transportation facilities are considered to have been recipients of the D. Grant Mickle Award. The names of the award recipients and the titles of their papers follow.

LUDOVIC LECLERCQ, FLORIAN MARCZAK, VICTOR L. KNOOP, AND SERGE P. HOOGENDOORN; Capacity Drops at Merges: Analytical Expressions for Multilane Freeways