
ZeEUS and ELIPTIC projects support efforts to reduce carbon emissions | UITP

ZeEUS and ELIPTIC projects support efforts to reduce carbon emissions | UITP
On 11 December 2015, 195 nations participating in the COP21 meeting of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and adopted by consensus a legally binding plan to fight climate change. The resulting Paris Agreement aims to abandon carbon emission this century, and stop global warming “well below” 2 degrees Celsius. Reducing the carbon emissions involves undoubtedly a wider proliferation of public transport, the postulate of the UITP Association which was officially recognised by the UN during the climate summit (read here: Public transport Climate Action Efforts Recognised at COP21). In particular, electric buses have a potential to fight climate change as they offer emission-free service. This vision was adopted by UITP, which coordinates the ZeEUS project and is involved also in ELIPTIC.