This paper briefly presents the main lines of the European Commission's policy on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in the Horizon 2020 programme. The respective pilot on open research data is presented in detail. The pilot covers approximately 20 percent of the H2020 funding in 2014 and 2015 in the areas of future and emerging technologies; e-Infrastructures; leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – ICT; societal challenges related to smart cities and communities, climate action, environment, and resource efficiency, inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; and science with and for society, thus extending the move from open access to research results towards OA to research data. A next step will be to consider a more global open science ap­proach encompassing a change of culture towards more openness, accessibility, re-usability, multidisciplinary, participatory collaboration, and an approach driven by what is of benefit for society.
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European Commission Policy on Open-Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020 | Biomedical Data Journal
European Commission Policy on Open-Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020 | Biomedical Data Journal
This paper briefly presents the main lines of the European Commission's policy on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in the Horizon 2020 programme. The respective pilot on open research data is presented in detail. The pilot covers approximately 20 percent of the H2020 funding in 2014 and 2015 in the areas of future and emerging technologies; e-Infrastructures; leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – ICT; societal challenges related to smart cities and communities, climate action, environment, and resource efficiency, inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; and science with and for society, thus extending the move from open access to research results towards OA to research data. A next step will be to consider a more global open science ap­proach encompassing a change of culture towards more openness, accessibility, re-usability, multidisciplinary, participatory collaboration, and an approach driven by what is of benefit for society.
This paper briefly presents the main lines of the European Commission's policy on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in the Horizon 2020 programme. The respective pilot on open research data is presented in detail. The pilot covers approximately 20 percent of the H2020 funding in 2014 and 2015 in the areas of future and emerging technologies; e-Infrastructures; leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – ICT; societal challenges related to smart cities and communities, climate action, environment, and resource efficiency, inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; and science with and for society, thus extending the move from open access to research results towards OA to research data. A next step will be to consider a more global open science ap­proach encompassing a change of culture towards more openness, accessibility, re-usability, multidisciplinary, participatory collaboration, and an approach driven by what is of benefit for society.