
OpenGeoSci: New Map-Based Discovery Platform Debuts Online, Geographic Searching for More than 300,000 Maps | LJ INFOdocket

OpenGeoSci: New Map-Based Discovery Platform Debuts Online, Geographic Searching for More than 300,000 Maps | LJ INFOdocket

OpenGeoSci is a free, map-based discovery interface providing geographic searching for more than 300,000 maps, cross-sections, charts, tables, and other high-value content from GeoScienceWorld (GSW) publications (Geology).
The advanced technology behind OpenGeoSci is built and hosted by HighWire Press incorporating a design from iFactory. Using a combination of search terms, map locations, and a choice of filters, results take users directly to data within the displayed articles.
OpenGeoSci speeds the research process and exposes a broad audience of earth scientists and other professionals to a variety vetted resources.
“This innovative tool enables rapid discovery of an ever expanding collection of public and proprietary research assets,” says Alix Vance, Executive Director of GSW. “We are pleased to offer this unique application to over 4 million GSW users and the public alike.”
The OpenGeoSci interface uses a tablet-based design approach intended to work flexibly in different viewing environments, including desktop and laptop screens, tablets and other devices. Search results can be filtered by journal, topical category, publication date, zooming in on the map, or an area filter. Selecting a result on the map will open a content box that displays the data result, caption information, citation information, and a link to the original publication.

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